Monday 23 January 2017

Septoplasty Post-op Diary -- Day 8-10

Previous post: Day 7

Days 8-10

The good news is that apart from my nose still leaking occasionally, I otherwise feel back to normal. The headache is gone, I have stopped crying inadvertent tears, and my throat has stopped hurting.

Still douching three times a day (need to continue this until the 2 week mark, apparently) which is bringing out some gunk but not a lot.

The congestion in my nose is reducing -- it's still not clear, but it's clear enough that I can now breathe through it most of the time.

Back to work tomorrow, and if all goes well this will be my final entry for a while!

1 comment:

  1. What ever happened to your lovely girlfriend? Did she abandon you? Time to get another one mate -- you can find a hot replacement here --
