Thursday 19 January 2017

Septoplasty Post-op Diary -- Day 7

Previous post: Day 6

Day 7

"Hmm, it's not normally that far up the nose". 
"I can't actually see it, could you tilt your head back further?"

Today is splint removal day, and upon arriving at my appointment with the nurse, my confidence in my recovery was somewhat dampened when she uttered those remarks. 

Before that, I'd been sprayed with a nasal aneasthetic to numb the nose, and then left for 10 minutes for it to take effect. It ends up dripping down your throat and tastes disgusting, but I decided to man up and make an unnecessarily big fuss about it.

When the nurse finally did manage to find the splints and pull them out, the process was not painful but was a strange sensation. Well, there was a little bit of pain when the central part of the splint came out of the nostril. The splints are basically two surprisingly large pieces of plastic, which have been holding your newly straightened septum in place since the operation was done. If you've been douching correctly they should be fairly clean... mine were clean-ish but still somewhat covered in dried blood and mucus.

The result had me somewhat underwhelmed. Online you read stories from people who've gone through a rebirth when the splints come out, and say they never realised life could smell so good. For me, nothing really changed.

That's probably because my nose is still so congested (presumably with mucus and bruising) that I'm still breathing through my mouth -- and therefore haven't noticed any difference. I guess time will tell over the next few days whether that improves.

Next: Days 8-10

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